Sunday, 30 December 2012

Welcome to Home Start Monmouthshire!

Hello! We are Home-start Monmouthshire, and we're here to tell you a bit more about what we do.

We're one of over 300 local Home-starts spread right across the UK, making up part of the UK's leading family support charity. We work with fragile families in times of distress, making them strong again and preventing crisis. In an ideal world, Home-start wouldn't be needed. But for many parents, the pressures of family life are simply to much to cope with alone. There are so many reasons for this, including: poverty, illness, family breakdowns, isolation, addiction and physical and mental health issues.

So what do we do? Well are main aim is to offer support and friendship to troubled families. We recruit and train parent volunteers to offer emotional and practical support to families in the comfort of their own homes. Our volunteers are not there to judge; they are there to help families in any way they can... even if that's just by providing a listening ear!

In the past year alone, Home-start Monmouthshire's 23 volunteers have worked with 50 families and supported 55 children. Our charity is always available for new families to take advantage of it's services, and always on the look out for my volunteers to join our friendly team!

This blog will document Home-start's brilliant work and the event's we hold for the volunteers and families! To find out more about Home-start's services or how to become a volunteer, log on to

Take care! The Home-start Monmouthshire Team!

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